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Welcome From Sheriff Melte

Date: 04/29/2024

Linn County Citizens,

Since my appointment as Interim Sheriff we have worked hard to ensure that we continue to provide the county with quality law enforcement services while enduring this transition in leadership. We still have a strong team dedicated to our mission statement and want you all to feel confident in our office to assist you with your needs as necessary. Please feel free to reach out to any of our Linn County Sheriff's Office staff with any questions or concerns.

~Sheriff Carrie Melte

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Submit Crime Tip
1-833-895-LINN (895-5466)
or Submit via Email

Emergency 911
Non-Emergency (24 hours)
(660) 895-5312

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm
115 W. Jackson Street
Linneus, MO 64653